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tv   America Live  FOX News  April 1, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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travis mills whose recovery we've chronicled on happening now and his friends and family, travis was wounded by an ied in afghanistan nearly a year ago. and they're having a good time hopefully and watch out for those camouflage major league baseball hats, they're going to have special ones honoring our military this year. >> very cool and thanks for joining us today. >> "america live" starts right now. >> megyn: fox news alert on a new fallout expected any moment from an easter sunday sermon at the president's church that included a strongly worded attack on conservatives. welcome to "america live," i'm megyn kelly. the white house briefing has just started and we expect the questions today about a sermon that turned strongly political yesterday with the president in attendance. and mr. obama spent part of sunday listening to the pastor, an episcopal minister who used part of his easter sunday sermon to suggest that
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conservative christians are bigots, racists and misogynistic. and saying it drives me crazy when the religion calls people back, for blacks to be back in the bus-- in the back of the bus. for women to be back in the kitchen. for gays to be in the closet and for immigrants to be on their side of the border. chris stirewalt is our fox news digital editor power live. happy easter to you, pos tar. this guy was praised as recently in january for being so inclusive and open-minded to gays and lesbians and gay marriage and he stepped in to fill in for the-- well, he replaced the priest who got bounced from the inauguration, because he had spoken out. this doesn't sound quite as inclusive. >> well, look, there is on the left, shall we say, little
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tolerance for liberals perceive as intolerance and they believe that these denominations and those christians who are opposed to full status in marriage and clergy and vest tour for people, opening and practicing homosexuals, they believe they're not deserving of charity and not deserving of tolerance and feel strongly about that and you heard that very much on display in reverend leon's sermon. >> it's not just about the christian conservatives who oppose gay marriage. this was so far beyond that. i botched the quote a little in the reading of it, but he's speaking and by the way, he's speaking present tense because already some of his defenders on the far left say he's making a historical reference and he's be speaking present tense, it drives me crazy when the captains of the religious
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right are always calling people back for blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closet. so he mentions that issues and for immigrants to be on their side of the border, but he is suggestioning that captains of the religious right want blacks, want women, want gays and want immigrants all to be back in the dark ages. >> yeah, and look, this is reflective of an attitude that has very much taken hold on the american left, that equates anybody who has misgiving or the idea of the same-sex marriage and other things that liberals are enthusiastic about right now, with jim crow, with segregation, equates those things, it's one and the same and can't make a difference. the problem of course is that there are many evangelicals, many orthodox catholics, many people who are christians who do not feel welcome by this and who always use, perhaps, while still as, they say on
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the right, to love the sinner, but hate the sin, those people probably did not feel very tolerated, very welcomed by what they heard from reverend leon with the president in attendance and now, the white house has to say what the president thinks about this. >> what a position for him to have put the president in. and i'm not attributing this to barack obama who was there with his family sitting in the pews and likely caught very off guard on this. and as far as we can tell not known for doing this at the pulpit, but what a position anybody there in, listening to that when you go to easter sunday mass and suddenly bombarded with an attack on the religious right, as if this man has no hand in religion and how bad on the right are. >> and this is what christians talk about the good news, the holiday is the heart of the good news and wouldn't expect a political attack and for the president who started going to
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episcopalian church after taking heat over his church in chicago and jeremiah wright, going to a church frequented by presidents since 1816, probably thought he was avoiding religious controversy, but instead found a pastor who talked not only about his views, but attacked the views of others and puts the president in a difficult spot in a moment he's trying to put progress on other issues, to have the preacher say this on easter was not a welcome surprise for the president. >> do we sit back and wait for the chorus of those on the left who came out and hit the ceiling after dr. ben carson, who is not a priest or a pastor, had the audacity to make political remarks at the national prayer breakfast, the chorus, it was inappropriate, it was out of place, it had no place at that particular venue, he can say what he wants when he's going to speak to the heritage foundation,
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but don't do this at a prayer event. so we expect that same chorus to come out and say, pastor, you screwed up? >> no, of course not. because, first of all, the episcopalians is a very liberal denomination and fully embrace gay life style, these things, that's their deal, that's their church, and beyond that, right now, the only kind of intolerance that's okay, the only kind of intolerance that you will not see a program for are those who are intolerant of the views of the social conservatives and folks like that. that's a bias that's not going to be punished either on the left or in much of the establishment press. this will probably get shooed by those folks. >> it's really, i mean, it stunning, as the guy to stepped in to save the president on the-- the reverend who was stepping in to be noncontroversial and
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advisor for presidents, been there since been at the church and an attack on the religious right suggesting they don't like blacks and women and back of the bus and in the-- wow, we'll continue to watch the white house briefing and we've reached out to the church to see whether they clare to clarify and are offering any sort of a statement and they're offering that as soon as we get it. chris, thank you. >> you bet. >> megyn: i mean, is this what you heard in your sunday mass this weekend? it was a time of celebration, you know, apparently not everywhere. well, as i mentioned, president obama is not the first commander-in-chief to attend a somewhat controversial sermon. back in 2004, a clergyman employed in florida a wealthy congregation, including president bush and his family to give up their personal possessions, using the elder's time on the golf course.
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and amazed after speaking on adultery and forgiveness in front of president clinton, and a year earlier, mr. clinton and parishioners were treated to a sermon to ask about the death penalty for timothy mcveigh. and ahead in the next hour, our panel will take a look at more of this reverend's background, what may have inspired this message and whether we should expect all the folks who were so outraged at dr. ben carson to come out now and speak up against reverend leon getting political at easter sunday service. stay tuned for that. a story we've been following on security lapses at liberty international airport that included one undercover agents with a fake bomb in his pants.
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and now three tsa workers have been fired and saying they failed to screen passengers luggage. and these go back it to failures that were first uncovered in late 2011 after the tsa installed surveillance cameras that were initially meant to check for possible thefts. and the investigation at newark which led to the firing of eight other employees last june, the single biggest disciplinary action taken by the tsa at any airport. and in oklahoma, more than 150 people had to line up earlier today for what, i cannot tell you because that script apparently is-- maybe we'll try it anew. well, let's try again. a developing story getting national attention as the white house questions seconds ago on the situation in texas you've heard the story today on fox news and elsewhere. the murder of a district attorney in texas and whether the murder may be connected to something extending well beyond the state of texas
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borders. kaufman county d.a. mike mclelland and his wife cynthia were shot, and his assistant was shot dead at his office and two weeks after the director of prisons in colorado. a manhunt is underway and the community is on high alert. >> this whole thing is shocking to all of us and we've got to move forward and hope and pray that our people that are investigating this do everything they can to whoever is committing these heinous crimes will be caught very quickly. >> megyn: joining us live from kaufman, texts, dan? >> yeah, right now it's a mystery. police are guarded with any details about the investigation, but it obviously is a top priority. you've got the fbi, atf and
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texas rangers all cooperating in this investigation. i can tell you the bodies of the kaufman county district attorney mike mclelland and his wife cynthia were discovered by a friend. cynthia was hit once in the head and he was hit dozens of time. a .22 caliber assault rifle. in the days before he was gunned down mclelland talked openly about his personal security and carried a gun, army veteran, 23 years and also had a sheriff's deputy parked outside his home for an entire month. mclelland spoke about seeking justice for the brazen murder of his deputy d.a., mark fasse. and they're shocked and worried. >> and the members that i love dearly, people that i've worked with every day that are professionals and to say that
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we're not concerned would not be truthful, but to walk around in fear, my life goes on. >> reporter: and security is being stepped up at county courthouses throughout the-- throughout the state of texas and all the district attorneys are stepping up protection as well. megyn. >> megyn: wow, what a thing to have to-- and this is as well. and something to have to live with the fear of this, obviously. too real. dan springer, thank you. a fiscal crisis in recent weeks. it happened in cyprus and ahead of the eu, the finance minister group over there, said, it could help elsewhere in europe. we have been told, however, that it could not happen here
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really. wait until you hear the ftic is staying behind closed doors next. and hearing a lot of debate about the google doodle. when it might be more appropriate to celebrate easter maybe. a mother writes a letter encouraging women at princeton to grab a husband while there. she's here live. [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take
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you'll have to pay five hundred bucks for your deductible. the truth? at allstate, you could pay zero. allstate gives you a hundred dollars off your deductible the day you sign up. then another hundred off every year you don't have an accident. let the good hands reward your safe driving with a deductible that goes away. ♪ deductible rewards. one more way you're in good hands with allstate. ♪ one more way you're in good hands with allstate. anncr: and many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonight. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart...
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but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors. >> we have been following events in europe and in particular the economic crisis over there where many folks were stunned by recent decisions to head off the fiscal crisis in the past month. you saw what happened in cyprus and the decision was just take the money out of private bank accounts and then people revolted and then said, all right, we'll do it in the rich and people said, all right. at least the non-rich people said all right. we've got over 40% of their accounts stolen out of cyprus's government is stolen. we've been told that could never happen here and now there are questions whether that is true. stu varney is the anchor of
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varney and company. a left leaning lawyer whose opinion i respect, had a guest blogger wrote in, who wrote a lengthy piece outraged by what he says is the fact that it could happen here, talking right now, what we don't realize when you deposit money in the bank, that money is the property of the bank. you are an unsecured creditor, but that money, if i put it in the bank right now belongs to the bank, it doesn't belong to me. >> okay, let me try and explain all of this. right from the start, i would say the following: your insured bank deposit is dead safe, no seizure, it will not happen here. however, these big international institutions are writing rules and opening a door a crack to the seizure of your uninsured deposits. >> includes our own fdic. >> and a source on that one. the fdic issued a joint declaration with the bank of england, december of last year. and they laid out a plan for
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the seizure of private deposits, if a bank got into real trouble. and at that point, the fdic said there would be no exception for fdic insured deposits in america, and we've got 250,000 bucks per deposit in the bank insured by the fdic. behind our banks, the fdic said, no, there's no exception for that insured money, however, megyn, hold on a second. it would require enabling legislation in congress to allowed for the insured money to be seized. that's not going to happen. can you imagine that hang? >> i can. >> as a matter of fact, i can. >> really? >> i can imagine that happening, never underestimate the willingness of the politicians to steal our money. >> you really think that there are tens of millions, probably 100 million individual depositors with money at risk if that money were to be received? >> i'm not talking tomorrow, but with the national debt that's pushing 17 trillion and no willingness to attack it,
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but we go down the line and the stock market's experts are telling us artificially popped up and could come crashing down. what if we had another bank crisis like we saw back in 2008, lehman failed and bear-stearns and the market comes crumbling down and what they're saying is rather than making the taxpayer bail out banks, we're going to make the stock holders, ie, the people who have money in the bank, you'll bail out the bank. >> what the plan will be, laid out for international settlements, fdic and clearly by new zealand, which has an open bank resolution, it's very clear, if a bank gets into real trouble, the bank could take the money out of your deposit and substitute it with stock in the bank. >> right, so the useless bank, the mismanaged bank says we can't pay our bills so we're going to use your money and, but you'll get stock in the mismanaged terrible bank, good luck paying your mortgage with
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our stocks. >> you've made your point, but look, come back to america, it would require the judgment and the vote of politicians in congress to say, yes, fdic, you can go ahead and uninsure the-- ments why isn't the fdic saying this is a good idea. i'm amazed the fdic is on board with this. >> we're talking extremist situations, extremes. >> this is not like some foreign entity. the fdic is supposed to be looking after us, that's the one that insures our deposits, and people get a little hinky, loren rafferty saying i'm not putting money in the banks. i get hinky when i hear them talk about the money belongs to the bank when you put it in the bank. >> your position is understandable, but that's a subject to judicial review. the legal view when you put your money into a bank and therefore immediately belongs to the bank, that's a very legalistic proposition. you're a lawyer. sure, you can litigate that
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one, could you not? >> i think, if they try to do this, they'll be-- >> a revolution. >> megyn: there will be. >> yes. >> megyn: the old i got a guy, we're all going to have guys, a chat with the bank about how that money is ours. >> not going to happen here. >> megyn: i certainly hope you're he right. >> i'm definitely right. >> megyn: stu, thank you. (laughter) coming up, new details ahead on a disturbing new study that affects millions of american children. see why doctors think almost one in five also boys now suffer from attention deficit issues. plus, a college basketball player becomes a household name. oh, after a horrifying playoff injury, i could not watch this. we'll show you the good news that doctors are now sharing about kevin ware, and what his team is saying about their bid for the championship. >> he's one of the strongest people i've seen in my life. the only thing on his mind, worried about is winning the game and what he kept saying, but honestly we were in shock.
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>> we have seen some staggering numbers on attention deficit today. and as a new medical study is released showing that the number of school-aged children diagnosed with a.d.h.d. is sometimes referred to is rising at alarming rates. according to the centers for disease control 6.4 million children have been diagnosed with the disorder at some point in their lives. and 16% increase from 2007. and more than a 50% increase in the past ten years. the disorder has no definitive test and researchers say the increase could be the result of too many doctors attributing any kind of attention problem to a.d.h.d. and if you were watching the
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basketball tournament yesterday, the college basketball student who is suddenly a household name after a tragic injury. a louisville player kevin ware underwent successful surgery for a broken leg suffered during a game late yesterday. he will be out for a year and so gruesome that cbs halted all replays and ware telling tearful teammates, just go win the game. trace, my husband and i were watching this. he's a duke fan, was watching it and stood up and looked and said, something horrible has happened and i can't watch things like that and i can't take in that sort of human pain, but this guy, what a soldier. i mean, what a -- what an inspirational mentality in the face of adversity. >> and really, he captures a spirit of the country, megyn. kevin ware, you talk about a guy who is dedicated and we're not going to show you, because
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it's hard to watch. and we're going to point it out for you. kevin ware, trying to block a three-point play and he clearly came down the wrong way and you can see him, he goes down, lands the wrong-- look at the bench and watch the reaction and almost in, you know,-- unison they felt nauseated. >> and it was shocking. and you know, i mean, you can imagine how a team would feel when this happens to him. and so, i don't think we were really ready until the second half, but it was all for kevin right there. >> reporter: the entire arena went silent. if you were watching this, people bowing their heads and some were crying. clearly he was in pain, kevin ware and what does he do? win the game, don't worry about me, you've got to win the game.
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coach rick pitino says he's never seen anything like it. here is the coach. >> the players are distraught, i'm distraught and he just, he just carried us through with what he said and i gathered him and around him, and wants to tell you something and kept repeating it and got us through it. >> kept repeating win the game, win the game. every time out pitino would tell the team, you've got to bring kevin home and he they did. louisville beat duke, 85-63. kevin ware two hours of surgery last night and put a metal rod inside his leg and saying he will fully he recover and get back to 100%, but you talk about a guy who really has captured the spirit of this nation by falling and breaking his leg and what he did afterwards, just an awful story that kind of spawned this really inspiring story
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last night. >> oh, i tip my hat to his strength and his peace of mind, i mean, the ability. and that remind me of a soldier, you know, who has been injured in battle, but just kept his focus. i mean, i'm sure his hopes are dash not playing in an important game, but teammates got it done and my husband wasn't happy with the the result, but even he was quite impressed with mr. ware. trace, thanks. >> sure. >> megyn: wow, taking your thoughts on it. just what a guy. like, right, to have that? and thank goodness for the medical professionals who were able to get him on the mend so quickly. taking your thoughts on it. and follow me on twitter@megyn kelly. we're hearing a lot of debate about google's decision to celebrate a controversial labor leader when millions were celebrating easter. why, why have they never apparently acknowledged another historical figure who is very popular, jesus.
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we'll talk about it and encouraging the young women enrolled at the storied university grabbing a husband while the grabbing is good. we'll speak with her about the controversy that ensued after that letter. and one of the popular weapons in our arsenal, a stealth fighter jet. a country that says it's in, quote, a state of war next. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger...
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look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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>> tension is reaching a fever pitch on the korean peninsula where the u.s. has deployed f-2 fighter jets. and this comes after days of increasingly creepy threats from north korea. >> the most belligerent we've been hearing. over the weekend the young new leader of north korea, kim jong-un, says they're entering a state of war and will not give up the nuclear deterrent for anything. all of this after nuclear device, long range missile and u.n. sanctions led by the united states against north korea and specific threats by
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north korea against the u.s. american bases in the region, and even the mainland u.s. being hit by nuclear tipped weapons. well does not seem likely, the u.s. has to treat it seriously. and in part flying in the f-22's and they have been organized for joint exercises and they will continue until the end of the month and they will involve tens of thousands of u.s. and south korean troops, and that should stir things up as well. south korea announcing today that it will respond back to any amend actions by north korea, still, in speaking to my contact in south korea and they tell me what we're hearing now is similar to the rhetoric we've heard in the past, all of this aimed at getting more concessions from the u.s., from the west and new talk today from the north trying to mix-up the decrepit economy and critically perhaps building up the standing of that new young leader kim jong-un. and yet, megyn, that's perhaps why washington is treating north korea even more
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seriously now. you've got a new guy in charge, a young guy in charge, a wild card and might actually act on some of this, back to you. >> megyn: greg palkot. thank you. one ivy league annuma touching off controversy in the princeton university newspaper in which she quote, speaking to young women, co-eds at princeton, for most of you the cornerstone of your happiness will be linked to the man you marry and will never have this concentration of men worthy of you. here is what nobody is telling you, find a husband on campus before you graduate and woe to susan patton, felt a backlash from that. susan, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> megyn: first, let me ask you why you wrote this. >> i think the information directed to young women today is about their career development, their professional advancement. nobody is talking with them about the other part of
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work-life balance. nobody is talking about the importance of thinking about family and for those who want the traditional marriage and children, they've got to start thinking about it, sooner rather than later. >> now, here is some of the blowback that you've received. one of the example from maureen o'connor, saying that this is an excruciatingly retro understanding of relationships. your conclusion that a successful heterosexual relationship requires a man to be smarter than a woman and posits that women are smart and best place they're likely to go do that is while it's at princeton. >> i don't think anything about it is retro or anti-feminist, women want to be married and want children. many of them do, not all of them do and very distinctly, my advice, that's all it was, advice, nature of advice, take it, don't take it, it's all okay, was just start thinking about this sooner.
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i know so many women who graduated from the wonderful schools and the first ten years after college doing nothing about professional development. building careers and now in their early 30's and starting to be panicked. >> megyn: it's controversial to suggest that we as women need to marry men who are smarter than we are or at least as smart as we are in order to find happiness. >> we don't need to, we want to. if the women's movement has truly empowered us to make the choices that are best for us, this is one of those choices and the women who are at princeton and other ivy league campuses and extraordinary reputed universities of higher learning, they've invested in their academic achievement. they care about the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in a very well way. >> megyn: you're not saying women who didn't go to princeton is not, you're saying this is characteristic of the women at princeton. >> and the advice was geared specifically to the young
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women who are on campus, on the campus of my alma mater that it went so viral so quickly makes me think this is a conversation that young women need to be having, no one is talking. >> megyn: this is another response, it's elitist assumption that finding an intellectual equal outside of an ivy leaf campus is next to impossible and maureen o'connor, this is an embarrassing how ivy leaguers talk to each other. >> you can find a partner outside of princeton, i'm saying the concentration of the wonderful potential partners is greatest in undergraduate years. from a sheer numbers perspective the numbers in lever be in your favor during the critical four years, not only a potential life partners, to find your best friends, to find people that you can grow he in your life with and feel challenged by to people who won't be threatened by you, people who won't be
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intimidated by your capacity for greatness. >> megyn: because this has been a problem for many well-educated women that they find this doesn't necessarily turn out to be a turn-on to some men and a fellow alum from principeton, what is her name, nicky muller. came up with a video piece, a little r-rated. i went to princeton b-word and shares your pain. ♪ so i play in case you hate ♪ ♪ i make my college-- you get intimidated when you learn my school ♪ ♪ you should because i'm smarter than you ♪ >> now, people who didn't go to princeton, i went to syracuse, the princeton of upstate new york. the elitist, snobby, ivy
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league who think they're better than we are. >> i'm not saying anybody is better than anybody. i'm saying women at my alma mater, if you want home, husband, family, start thinking about that sooner rather than later because in this manner, there's not equality between men and women. men have a virtually unlimited window of opportunity to marry and have children. women don't. women clearly, there's a -- there's a clear stop date, a clear end point to that possibility. so-- >> it's another thing you've been hit for. because there's the criticism is that your suggestion is you can only get a man as a woman if you look good, and are on the younger side, even if you're smart. >> not always, no. >> megyn: but if you're a man you can always get a woman. >> yes, yes. >> megyn: you believe that's true. >> yes, i do. yes, i do, megyn, yes, i do. and i also think some of the criticism has been, well, at 22 you're too young to make a decision, you're too young to know who you are, at 22 is not
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who you're going to be in your 30's. who you are in your 30's is not who you are in your 40's. >> megyn: that's true, that statement is absolutely true. >> please, let's be reasonable here, this is a constant evolution and we're always going to be evolving, if you find somebody who shares your intellectual curiosity and your love of learning, who values the process of education and formal education the way you do, the likelihood is as this evolution occurs, you grow with each other. >> megyn: strike while the iron is hot and the pond is full. >> while the pond is full, exactly. >> megyn: you know, it's interesting, i think what you said is very controversial and that doesn't make it false. >> it doesn't. and i think of the conversation that needs to be had and the fact that this has gone everywhere and everybody is talking about this and i've he gotten letters from so many women on campus, not just princeton, but saying, oh, my god, i've been afraid to think about this, much less talk about it.
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now everyone is talking about it. >> megyn: you opened the can. and follow me on twitter: @megyn kelly and let me know what you think. the and google doodle, why do they honor caesar chavez and not jesus on easter. and someone abducted in broad daylight. and the story what apparently has turned ut to be a big hoax. cleanup on aisle 12, a driver crashed in a wal-mart and only to get out and start clubbing a group of nearby shoppers. >> looking for lunch meat and i hear this big crash, like something big fell off the shelf, some glass or something and i'm looking around and everyone is running and screaming and running towards the exit. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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>> a growing controversy this hour for google. paf the search engine giant chooses to celebrate labor lead hers cesar chavez with one of their famous doodles rather than with jesus. and lars larson. and julie is a former advisor to frank lautenberg and a fox news contributor. they say we don't do the religious thing we do the historical thing. there's a historical figure who is better known and his name is jesus christ, lars. >> yes the most written about man on planet earth, jesus christ, with more books written than any other historical figure and here is google and a ubiquitous presence that decides to inassault over a billion christians on planet earth and what's strange is of course
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they're a private company and julie will remind us they can do whatever they want to do. of course they can. why would you want to slight this religion and why is it you have to go back 13 years to find the last time that google recognizes easter. they care more about the ceasar-bunny rather than jesus giving up his life to save us for our sins. >> megyn: we have the google doodle from 2000 and remember it was easter and put up the eggs. it wasn't the historical figure of jesus. there it is, back in 2000. but google's statement, it's difficult for us to choose which to highlight and sometimes features or historical events or influential figures in the past. and if there was a historical figure, you tell me, jesus, chavez. >> lars is right what i was going to say. it's their decision what they're going to do.
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they're a private company. look, why not moses, it's mass passover. why pick and choose religions, why by casting casting aspersio and caesar chavez day and-- >> it happens to be easter, but i think that easter doesn't always fall on march 31st so they decided to honor caesar chavez. if you don't like it go to bing and yahoo!. >> megyn: a lot of people did, bing the competitor, they put up some eggs. >> well, vote with the wallet. >> megyn: and a lot of people did switch over, they thought it was a thumb in the eye for christians not to recognize the historical figure. and lars, we know that google is a private company and they can do whatever they want. what does it say? >> you're right. but i think what it says is that this culture in america, we're seeing increasing efforts by both the government
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and by private organizations to push all mention or recognition of religion-- >> government? >> the christian religion-- well, the government does it all the time and there's an effort by governments to take public monuments down and simply have a cross and many are recognition of their memorials for soldiers-- >> is it the government driving that? >> there are people within government who deeply believe that we should push mention of christianity in particular out of the public square. and now, it is difficult to-- i guess you can argue whether it's individuals within the government that are doing that or is it the government itself? but when the government-- >> we have no reason to believe, julie this has anything to do with the obama administration. >> i hope not. >> megyn: and supporter of barack obama, as far as we know he doesn't have his fingerprints on this. what does it say about google that they made this decision? >> and i'm very comfortable, a jesus thing, where government
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and private companies if they so choose don't get involved in ecumenical decisions au want that's fine, but you should honor passover, ramadan and so on so forth. >> megyn: and google hasn't been doing that. i've got to run. and lou dobbs is next. wait until you hear what he has to say. [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards.
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read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle
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>> now to one of our top stories, the murder of a district attorney in texas we kept hearing the name of two groups, coming up in connection with this investigation and they both share a similar background. trace gallagher has that part of the story. trace? >> you're talking about the aryan brotherhood, megyn, the aryan brotherhood of texas two of the most violent extremist groups in the country. the common man, evan ebel was killed in a shootout and thought to be involved in the killing of assistant d.a. in
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texas last month as well as the chief of the colorado prison's tom clements. he was a former colorado inmate as well as a member of the aryan brotherhood. the aryan brotherhood began with a few members in san quentin prison here in california in the 1970's and has an estimated 20,000 in prisons and outside of prisons in the country and spawned the group abt or the aryan brotherhood of texas and texas authorities say that group has killed dozens of people in recent years and now texas authorities over the past couple of years has cracked down on that group sending at least 60 members to prison and now investigators are looking into whether these might be payback killings for cracking down on the group. ab leaders and former ab leaders say if you're told to kill somebody, megyn, you kill them. if not, you're killed yourself. the former member says that you can expect more killings to happen in the future, which is why right now every single
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d.a. across texas has added security. >> megyn: wow, oh, my goodness. you know, you don't think about it, but these d.a.'s don't maybe a lot of money. they take a lot of risks to put bad guys in prison and this should not be one of them. trace, thanks. >> okay. >> megyn: the white house reacted just moments ago when it was asked, jay carney was asked about this controversial easter sunday sermon. that was delivered with president obama ap his family sitting right this in the pews. the white house reaction is next. plus, some video went viral over the weekend after it appeared to show a couple kidnapped in broad daylight right from a city street. and today what turned out to be a hoax. in kelly's court, a controversial and disturbing question how to put justice two fifth grade boys,
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conspiring to kill one girl and possibly up to half a dozen other classmates. >> so i asked him. you really were going to do this, are you sure? were you really going to kill her? and he said that, yes, he was. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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e-trade. less for us. more for you. the fund's prospectus contains its investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information and should be read and considered carefully before investing. for a current prospectus, visit >> fox news alert. if the white house reacts to questions about an easter sunday sermon. the president and his family attended including a strongly worded attack on conservatives. brand new hour here of america live. and welcome everyone, i'm megyn kelly. the white house took questions about a sermon that turned strongly political yesterday on easter sunday while the president and his family sat in the pews. episcopal minister seen here with president obama appeared that conservative christians are everything from bigots to racist and misogynists. and chief white house correspondent ed henry is live
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with more reaction from the white house. >> reporter: as you know, the president and his family put on their sunday best and around the world did, to attend services at st. john's episcopal. that's across from the white house, known as the church of presidents and presidents in both parties have been there, not just for easter, but traditional sunday services, and what they occurred, anything, but happy for easter, as you mentioned. reverend louis lein for back, bark being barks, for blacks to be back in the bus, for women in the kitchen and gays to be in the closet and immigrants on the their side of the border. that was when jay carney was asked about it did not want to denounce the words. >> and appears that what the reverend is doing here is
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interjecting divisiveness that's clear about scripture and that god's word is all things, is the authoritative guide for christians. >> he is not a politician. this is not a senator or a member of congress or the president. this was a sermon at a church here and visited by presidents of both parties for many, many years. >> now, reverend leon spoke and gave the benediction and interesting in that benediction he said among other things, we should love our neighbors whether we agree with them politically or not. obviously not taking his own advice. >> why wouldn't carney just come out and condemn it. so easy for him to say, didn't expect him to go there. don't condone those remarks? >> it's hard to tell. obviously, politically they know that folks on the right are going to jump on the
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comments, by reverend leon who has previously come out for same-sex marriage and other issues like that and inflamed folks on the right and so now with these comments he's only going to do more of that. and jay carney believes if he's stepped into the middle of that. the white house is further into the controversy and president sitting in the pew and it was not the president's fault that the pastor said this. it would be easy to say, look, we condemn this, but not something that jay carney wanted to do. >> we'll have a panel debate about reverend leon, he's been there for quite some time and any controversy to the church we're going to ask in particular, the outcry after dr. ben carson had the nerve to make comments at the national prayer breakfast and that he made what was supposed to be a prayerful event political?
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think we'll hear the same outrage after an easter sunday mass with the president and first family and other folks present turns political? that's coming up right here. fox news alert. we're expecting a ruling any moment now. literally any moment now, in a bankruptcy case that, you know, who normally cares? but it actually has big significance for cash strapped cities, including yours. a federal judge is about to decide whether stockton, california can be the biggest city in america to get bankruptcy protection. now, most of that debt is driven by iou's to cover union pension costs to city workers. pensions that negotiated in better times before the housing crisis, but stockton's creditors are fighting back against the unions and they are hoping this judge will step in to do what they think is right. lou dobbs, with lou dobbs tonight on the fox business network, so you've got stockton who says you want
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pensions for life, you want pensions for life, here you go. enjoy. >> they were-- they were absolutely spreading the wealth around. and the public employee workers, there in stockton, they even borrowed 165 million to make payments on their unfunded liabilities in the state pension fund. >> and the reason they had so many unfunded liabilities because they gave coverage for life for all retirees, plus a dependent, no matter how long they work for the city. >> that's right. >> they worked for the state just for the a short time. don't worry, they will be covered with the pension. >> and deserve whatever you can get. >> megyn: what a shock they wound up bankrupt. >> and while they're in a federal bankruptcy court and as you know, the contest here is whether federal law applies or whether california law will prevail. california law says the city has to cough up the money and can't go bankrupt. >> don't be touching the pensions, you made a promise. bankruptcy is no help to you.
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>> federal bankruptcy law says look out calipers and public employees. >> that's the public retirement system. >> we're going to wash our hands of this thing, and move into the line of other creditors at some point. you may get there, you may not. >> so the unions don't like the bankruptcy law. >> they love that california thing. >> and now this judge has to make a decision that could have an effect, not just in stockton, california, but elsewhere, and so many californians cities are a mess. >> absolutely. and nationally, we've got 3.9 trillion dollars, in unfunded liabilities to public employee unions. this is a big deal and it will have an effect not only on those employees who could have their pay adjusted in retirement, and as you've pointed out. it's ridiculous how generous those terms are, it will have an impact on the municipal bond market. it could have a staggering effect across the economy. >> and right now, the judge is actually speaking out loud to the court 2:05 p.m. eastern
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time and we don't know what the ruling will be. is he going to say that the federal bankruptcy law controls, not so good for the unions or california law controls, which is better for the unions. if he finds against the union, because the city owes apparently 900 million to pay for the public union retirement. 900 million bucks. if he finds against the union and says, you know what, the city can file for bankruptcy protection and you're going to have to be treated like a regular creditor. what does it mean that the public employees will not get pensions or protected at all in retirement? >> in all likelihood, one would assume there will be an adjustment to something they can't pay, but stockton like so many communities around the country is downsizing and they will have fewer residents now paying taxes and they have less money because the housing value, the property taxes are lower. they're being crushed from all sides. even as their public employee pensions and health care programs are rising. >> can't pay the bills. >> so the reality is,
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irrespective of what this judge says, there will be an adjustment and because people are going to flee stockton. >> megyn: this is one of the dangers of the promises that the cities make unions. it's well and good for the union to sit across from you, and the employee may be put in the office, i'm giving to you, good for you. but it's not worth the paper it's printed on because this is what's going on happen, what value will it give. >> and your conversation with stuart varney, and the fdic insurance, once it's possible to tear up a contract between the government and depositor, then you have almost anything could happen. and the instance of stockton, california, i think fdr had it right from the very beginning. there is no role for a public employee in civil service serving the government of the
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taxpayers. it's a conflict of interest at every level and it has to be rolled back and rolled back now. and i think, you know, we've got it it take care of our first responders, and our policemen and firefighters, but i have to say, it's time for the country to grow up and understand what's possible. >> yeah. >> and to build a future for the next general race, rather than destroy it. >> they were made promises, but the promises weren't real. they weren't possible. >> and they weren't, as you folks in law say, made with clean hands. >> yeah. >> and these are city officials making deals with unions, supporting democratic party in most instances and the cycle corruption continues. >> megyn: wow, all right, well, we will wait for this ruling, again, should being coming out any moment, lou. >> great to be with you. >> megyn: by the time you see lou dobbs 7 p.m. on fbn, they will have it and you can watch it. and in stockton, how to understand the money crunch and why so many cities are watching so closely. stockton's unemployment
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300,000, unemployment rate 18.7%. stockton has the highest metropolitan foreclosure rate in the united states. and during the last year, one in 25 housing units in that city had a foreclosure filing. that's three times the national average. clearly something is going to have to change. again, we have more just ahead on this easter sermon that's sparking controversy, why didn't the white house condemn it? why wouldn't jay carney come out and say wasn't us, didn't appreciate it, don't stand by it. and what to make of the president's pastor, not just president obama's pastor, but for several presidents, republican and democratic alike going after christians on the right. sounded like republicans. plus, fort hood family members, reacting none of the wounded will receive purple hearts. none of those who were killed by nadle hassan, who our
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government says is the killer, before he yelled allah akbar and unleashed terron them. and why not, that's after the break. and police say two boys, two fifth graders planned to kidnap and kill at least one classmate and possibly kill up to half a dozen others. and it's their ages that are truly disturbing and wait until you hear who recommended that they be held in jail on a very high bail amount. that's in kelly's court. >> he pulled out the gun and showed me and i was very shocked. and i said, well, is there anything else? tipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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even matter. for this man not to have served one day in a combat zone or in a threat, a threat area, and for him to get the treatment that he's getting opposed to the treatment we're getting, it's an embarrassment. >> megyn: that was sergeant alonzo lundzburg, one of the dozens injured during the fort hood massacre. he was reacting to the news that the defense department is now formally blocking efforts for survivors awarded purple hearts because it would adversely affect the trial of major hassan labeling the attack as terrorism. that's according to a dod document obtained by fox news. john fund is a columnist, magazine, author of "who is counting" putting your vote at risk. you're not happy about this and written a piece suggesting this is a bone-headed decision
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and we have it directly from an army spokesman who says these folks killed at fort hood did not meet the criteria of the apart of the purple heart, neither they nor those shot and survived will get it. >> when i first saw the headline i thought it was a sick april fool's joke, but it's not. and there have been thousands of people given purple hearts since 9/11. eric holder the attorney general and other people in the obama administration called for civilian trials of some of the terrorists perpetrators like shaikh mohammed and at no point will they ever say labeling them a terrorist would deny that a fair trial. >> megyn: that's what they're saying, at this point in the proceedings labeled this a terrorist act because, just to let now that the-- you can't get the purple heart unless you qualify under the defense of defenseman, and you can get it if you're killed or
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wounded in action against an enemy of the united states as the result of an act of any hostile foreign force or as the result of an international terrorist attack against the united states and they're going after number three, international terrorist act against the united states and apparently the dod says it doesn't qualify. >> it was workplace violence. >> megyn: that's what they say, the official definition from the administration. >> it's beyond absurd and an insult. a punch in the gut to the 32 people wounded in the line of duty serving their country. if you're in the military, wherever you are, it's a potential battlefield and to say that this fellow who was conferring with radical imams and-- >> and he got e-mails from anwar al-awlaki. >> clearly motivated and on islamic jihad. for them not to say it's terrorism, i think it belittle the war on terror and the
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message it sends to our adversarie adversaries, we're not a serious country, we're in denial. >> megyn: they seem to be suggesting that this is going to compromise the trial. his right to a fair trial, directly compromising major hassan's ability to receive a fair trial. that's what the army objects to here, they believe that doing this would compromise his ability to have a fair trial. but we do want him to get a fair trial. >> of course. >> megyn: for many other reasons, but because he when he gets convicted we want to look back and say it happened fairly. >> the fbi already said this is a terrorist incident. the congressional hearings concluded this is a terrorist incident. for them to say oh, yeah, it's a terrorist incident doesn't change anything. military trials have different standards of evidence than the civilian trial. this is the military's trial. for the military not to be able to say this is an act of triple is denial of fact--
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>> why are they doing this. according to the department of defense, the benefits are the same whether it's a purple heart and declared an act of terrorism. the families deny that, they say you get higher priority with veterans disability compensation with purple heart. what is the the motivation to not admit that. >> because, a, we don't want to offend our friends in the middle east. we don't want to say that the islamic jihad is active and they won't have a perfect score, they will not say there hasn't been an attack under our watch, and i don't know what the belief system is here, it's insane and rubs the noses of everybody who suffered in this incident into the ground. >> megyn: their lawyer, there's a lawyer who's representing the fort hood victims and he says they've been given the back of their hand. it's absurd this fueling and that the obama administration has given them a kick in the
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gut. however, john, one last point. if you read the specific language out of department of defense, manual of military decorations and awards, does it apply. if you want to follow the letter of the law, is this a terrorist act as our government would define it. >> oening the service of a foreign ideology, jihad, operating and having been incited to it by a foreign imam, and someone in the united states taking out only military personnel who were trying to defend us, what isn't an act of terrorism in all of the above. >> megyn: john, thank you for being here. a kidnapping mystery solved. after videos appearing a couple of grabs off a new york city street in broad daylight. we'll show you what really happened. a driver sends shoppers running for their lives after he drives straight into a wal-mart and begins attacking the customers inside. that bizarre story moments away. >> he went right up the
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sidewalk here and couldn't make the turn of course, backed up and made the turn. >> and then drove through. >> and then drove through. >> you're lucky. >> i am very lucky. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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>> fox news alert on the death of a mtv reality star. shane ghandi one of the stars of buck wild has reportedly been found dead along with two other people in west virginia. now, the show, follows a group of young adults trying to have fun in the town of sissenville, west virginia. he was billed as a former prom king who had done every job, coal mining to being a garbage man. no word on cause of death, but mtv released a statement saying that its prayers are
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with his family. and kidnapping victim in manhattan now solved. and the alleged abduction shows a couple taken off the street in broad daylight in new york city, is a big hoax. trace gallagher has the story. >> it began with three men camped out in a mini-van north of manhattan near the bronx, and the neighbors say they were suspicious because they were in hoods and masks and it was mild weather outside and they were kind of alarmed and then they see this walking around the corner, two men get out of the mini-van and start running towards the couple. and one of the witnesses say the mini-van followed behind and you'll see in a minute when the mini-van comes by, the door is open and they say the two men who ran after the couple, you see them running right there, had guns in their hands. and they put guns to this couple's heads and put them in the mini-van and dashed away. now, police, seeing this was
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caught on surveillance camera, and they got a pashlt license plate numb -- partial license plate no one was missing. no one game forward. they came forward and said they were abducted by friends, for a birthday party. here is a gun in your face, surprise! police are talking to the couple, no charges filed. i'd be surprised by the gun in the face. >> megyn: my goodness, no thanks. all right, trace, thank you. >> okay. >> megyn: not a good idea. coming up in just a bit right here. serious matter on kelly's court as two young boys are accused of plotting a murderous rampage at school. and police say they had a gun, a knife, and plenty of ammo. and why their ages are raising disturbing questions and wait
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until you hear who recommended that they be held on very high bail in the case. plus, it's the kind of political attack you might expect from a partisan on a debate stage. but not from a minter at an easter sunday service, and not with the president of the united states in attendance with his family. the sermon drawing a whole lot of controversy, but not so much condemnation from the white house. why not? we'll have anced debate next. and a picture of 1930's, appears to show a woman talking on a cell phone before it was invented. and see how it inspired talk of possible time travel. ♪ [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare
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new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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>> the panic at wal-mart as a driver crashes into a store on easter sunday and gets out and attacks shoppers. and bizarre in california. they drove around protective barriers and rammed through the front doors. and once inside got out of the car and picked up a blunt object and started hitting people. >> in fact they're looking for lunch meat and i hear a big crash like something big fell
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off the shelf. some glass or something, and then everyone is-- i'm looking around and people are screaming and running toward the exit. my heart was beating the whole time. and i had no idea what was going on. all i knew, people were panicking and running. >> more people were injured in the attack, and the mercury news reports that the driver is held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, hit and run and under the influence of drugs and not to mention resisting arrest. >> and it just appears that would reverend is doing here is interjecting divisiveness into what is very clear about scripture and that god's word is all-- is the authoritative guide for christians. it's not a politician, this is the not a senator or a member of congress or the president, this was a sermon that the -- at a church here that's been
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of visited by presidents of both parties for many, many years. >> a reaction there from both the family research council and the white house in just the last hour or so, after an easter sunday sermon goes political with president obama and his family in attendance. and the pastor was delivering his sermon at st. john's episcopal church at the white house when he said in part, quote, it drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling people back, for blacks to be back in the the back of the bus, for women to be in the kitchen. for gays to be in the closet and for immigrants to be on the other side of the border. and david webb, and father gerald murray leads the church of holy family united nations in new york. whoa, how this pastor set up a firestorm and it was rather
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unexpected from a pool report and it appeared everywhere from washington and elsewhere, and pastor threw folks for a bit of a loop. and i think this wasn't exactly the homily you delivered at mass yesterday? >> that homily was not delivered in my church. he we talked about the resurrection and joy and hope, and the power of christ and the world. to start throwing charges of racism at the religious right is completely inappropriate, it's wrong. and it's not what you're supposed to do at church. the reverend really needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a better sermon. >> bernard, this is a pastor who's been really well revered by lots of presidents, i mean, good friends with george w. bush they said and you know, he spoke at the second inauguration of george w. bush and president obama. what do you think? >> he's calling people out, some of the religious right to
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talk about the past and good old days. the fact that he said the good old days weren't good for gayses, for women, for blacks. i'm jewish, but as i understand jesus taught mary you can't go back and the problem frankly the be republican party has and religious right has is that they're constantly looking backwards while america is going forward. >> is it appropriate for a pastor on easter sunday. >> calling out bigotry of any kind. including religious bigotry is in the moral purview. >> david, i want to ask you, i want to ask you whether you think -- we've teed up a few sound bites after dr. ben carson got political at the national prayer breakfast and you will see folks in this m montage that are from the left and right condemning that. watch. >> it's not a police to be giving political statements, i
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thought it was just inappropria inappropriate. >> i thought it was inappropriate. i wouldn't dishe agree with a single thing he said. it wasn't the right venue for doing it and in my view didn't live up to the purpose of the breakfast. >> your thoughts? >> what cal said. >> to do it at the national prayer breakfast a place where they're supposed to be celebrating humility, harmony, it was totally out of place and such an intime in washington no safe space for comedy, no safe space to be free of ideological partisanship and polarization and all the stuff that turns the american people off. >> do you expect we'll hear a similar outcry of voice? >> and the question, name me the captains on the religious right who say he we want to put women back in the kitchen and blacks at the back of the bus and gays, you know, whatever behead them and the weird things said by radicals. you can't name them bernard,
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quit the false equivalence. what we have here is a difference in the message put forth. we have the church that's essentially the church of presidents and a man who has, if you will, served other presidents in this capacity, but playing to the audience and let's look at what he's playing to. the father, reverend jeremiah wright. >> you're saying he's doing this because president obama is in the audience. >> playing to the same message, it's the same anti-anything, not leftist message which is false-- >> he could have done that at the inauguration. >> and it's an insult to the congregation and it's an insult when the christians are celebrating a very holy day, when we're talking about unity, it's not a partisan issue and as for the reaction, megyn, don't hold your breath. the baby will be born before you get an answer from the left. >> megyn: my baby. and bernard, i want to ask you about, the white house, they
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were in attendance, asking a question not drawing a conclusion whether they need to respond. jay carney was asked about it at the press conference today. i haven't talked to the president about it. this guy served democrats and republicans, but should he have come out and said, we were, the president was surprised by that and clearly-- >> i don't think so, this is not the president's spiritual advisor, it's certainly a church and a place where many presidents go and i don't think it's position of the president to dictate what the sermon ought to be about. a message of quality and tolerance and progressiveness, exactly what the religious institutions. >> how about tolerance and acceptance of the religious right? >> i think he's calling out what he perceives to be bigotry on the religious right. >> the religious right hates blacks. >> that's not what i said or what he said. >> megyn: he talks about wants blacks to go back to the back of bus. >> fossstering an attitude of
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glorifying the past. >> megyn: speak to that bernard, and that the religious right wants the blacks to go to the back of bus. >> and the restrictions on the voting, for example, the modern day equivalent-- >> want to get him back in, go ahead, david. >> this can't be unanswered, name me those things you recited on the religious right. >> i didn't. >> yes, you throw out this false ekwif essentially and broad statements which broad-- equivalency, and you can't name it and-- >> let me take it down a notch and ask you, father murray. are we at the point now where you, i mean, i assume you are the religious right. you are-- >> i certainly represent traditional catholic teachings, absolutely. >> megyn: do you feel you're
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at a point where you are fair game. no one can get punched around. it's not okay to rip on any particular group except for now now. >> you can caricature christian teachings and call it bigotry and that's reasonable speech on the left these days. this nonsense that we want to disadvantage blacks, when we say a homosexuality activity is sinful equivalent to denying the basic rights. no, we're telling if you want to live a good life what jesus said. >> megyn: and immigration, and think of the pope and what he's gone for immigrants. >> if you believe in amnesty belief of a lot of people on the left, what about the legal immigration, and people who want to get in. we have a lot waiting online and should we disadvantage them because the people broke the law and got in. let's have a debate on it and let's not character at that tour it. they believe in evil and we're
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the only virtues one. >> megyn: and a pundit anti-black, anti-woman, anti-gay, but this is coming from a pastor, but from a reverend heretofore well respected, but it's coming on mass on easter day. >> some of the criticism come from within. frankly it's not about trying to sensor religious expression. it's about holding the leaders accountable for what they say. if you feel it's necessary to hold this reverend accountable by all means do so, but he clearly has seen instances in his professional career of those to the religious right seeking to hold back. >> wheres were-- was it appropriate for dr. carson to speak out at the national prayer breakfast as he did. >> it's a political event. >> you're okay with it? >> it's always been political. >> you're okay with it, then? >> i would not have a problem with it, no. >> okay. this is the problem with dealing with the left. they try to dodge around it,
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and you ask them a yes or no question and you can't provide an answer. >> i did provide. >> this is an issue in america, where we had to talk about appropriate behavior. and this pastor spoke at other president's services if you will. >> megyn: let me jump in and tell the viewers in the past he said he's very careful, for example at inauguration president bush the younger, very careful in preparing that prayer service and inaugural indications to not cross from pastor to public policy advisor which is not my role. my inten is never to scold anyone during a sermon that would be divisive. >> and let me go back to the play, it's a narrative and to the good father, whatever that faith may be and practices, the power they want on the pulpit and pushing a message. look at the pastors that say these things, they're actually
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anti-christian because the christian doctrine, if you will, does not go along with the behavior. >> and you say when certain people within the religious family and including this pastor, evolves, comes to a different view, whatever word you want to use on issues like gay marriage, there's now a bigotry on their part against anyone else who feels differently. >> well, they used to want to debate the merits of gay marriage and now want to assert this is the only rational and christian thing to do and restore christianity and the catholic church as none. there's no such thing as gay marriage, you can name something marriage, it's not that, but instead of debating me on that they want to say you're a bigot, equal to a racist and anti-feminist. >> hold on, we love sinners of all types. you don't tell the sinners you want a legal recognition for
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your relationship, go ahead and do that. >> but the debate to freedom to marry is not a religious debate, it's a civic debate. >> and. >> megyn: i've got to go a hard break, great debate all of you. up next a disturbing kelly's court on 10 and 11 years olds in custody for murder.
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out the clip and i went-- >> both students have now been charged with conspiracy to commit first degree murder. very, very rare to see that kind of charge with children of this age. joining me now, lis wiehl and mercedes colwin, legal analysts. on the break, i want to correct myself, there was no murder, conspiracy to commit. lis, the reason it's rare to see the charge brought in washington state children ages 8 to 12 and may fall within that range are presumed not to have the mental capacity to commit the crime. how did they get past that. >> the prosecutor can go past that presumption, if they are going to be tried by the presumptions can be overlooked, can be withdrawn if it's shown that it increased amount of planning and these two boys planning
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for two weeks they were going to kill and rape and mutilate the other girl and 600 kids on the list and they had a set plan to work on more than two weeks, showed that they are competent to stand trial. >> megyn: that's the thing, it was a detailed plan and according to the detective in the case, when they were caught, there was no remorse. listen to the detective. >> so i asked them if, you really were going to do this? are you sure? were you really going to kill her? and he said, that, yes, he was. and i still didn't believe him so she would have been dead today? he said yep. >> you know what's amazing. there's a reason about this, it's about mental capacity the intent to commit murder. when they say 8 to 12, the legislators looked at the ages and generally did the studies and looked at it, we don't think that they can formulate
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this. and frankly, even when the teacher asked about the mental health counselor asked about the gun, the child displayed it, didn't take the gun out and shoot the mental health counselor. i read a book that said "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining" about the juvenile system. and it's broken. what the kids need is counseling. the rate of recidivism is so high in juveniles, they he are stuck in the juvenile detention centers and don't get better. you can try to fix them, but counseling is the answer and-- >> counseling in a detention center i agree with. they should have counseling, trouble kids. the younger kid has an older brother that's in jail or prison or-- >> yes, they have problems, but the answer is not to say, well, because they're that age we're going to release them and another plan where a child will be killed because they have not learned right from wrong. if it gets to that point where
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it clearly has in this case they've got to be in detention. >> megyn: i want to talk about the step by step plan that these two mapped out. it plays whether the charge is justified. after the break, the surprising witness who argued they should be held on extremely high bail. that's next. we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> i want to talk about the planning. authorities say the plan was to get her away from the school and, quote do her in because, quote, she was really annoying. there was a list of six more names they were going to target. the say the plan was for the 11-year-old to stab the girl with the notify knife. the ten-year-old was supposed to keep everyone away. the ten-year-old had been in a, quote, short dating relationship with the girl and it was, quote, going to go down today.
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>> mapped out, including getting the guck from a grandfather. one was going to rape her and stab her, pay a third child to be quiet. this was the planning of criminals. i hate to say it but they were planning a horrible criminal act. >> mercedes, this is one of the reasons, we assume, why it wasn't just the state psychiatrist but the defense psychologist said, these children present a danger to the community. how rare is that? >> very rare they do that. but certainly you have to look at what were the circumstances under which they had this type of analysis. when i worked in the d.a.'s office and we worked with children, a lot of what is presented to the children are imbedded within the question. so those are responses you have to this how are the questions
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posed to these children? they're impressionable. that's why they're statutes that talk about mental capacity. >> these kids are going on trial, a couple years in prison if they're found guilty because it's juvenile court. there is any breaking through to children like this who are unremorseful and came up with the plot to begin with? >> i don't know, megyn. that's a quit question. i hope so. i want to say no kid is irretrieve my broken but this is so serious. clearly they're not getting it from home. where are the parents? >> that is the question. they're pleading not guilty so we shouldn't assume guilty. >> unbelievable. i feel bad for the ten-year-old who is brother is already serving time for murder. obviously something going on in that household, which is why i go back to, these children need counseling. >> , they'll get therapy in detention. >> you hope. >> they need to get it some
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somewhere, thank you so much. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. the new guy is loaded with protein!
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